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Michelangelo Priotto
Giacobbe: un ebreo ‘errante’ che incontra Dio
Blažej Štrba
Why is Joshua among the Prophets like Moses
Domenico lo Sardo
Naʿaman from Aram, Ugarit, or Edom? 2 Kings 5:1-5: Textual Criticism and Ancient Near East Literature
Vincenzo Lopasso
Ritorno e ricostruzione del Tempio (Esd 1–6)
Francesco Filannino
L’avversario del piano di Dio: Satana nel vangelo di Marco
Matteo Munari
Who Justified Wisdom? (Matt 11:19b // Luke 7:35)
Eric John Wyckoff
Narrative Art and Theological Meaning: Johannine Stylistic Features in John 4:1-42
Francesco Bianchini
Baptism According to Paul: The Example of 1 Corinthians
José Miguel García Pérez
La venida de Cristo y todos sus santos (1Tes 3,12-13)
Elisa Chiorrini
Per una classificazione dei significati di ἀρχή nel NT
Alessandro Cavicchia
Ispirazione e verità, dono e discernimento
Sebastiano Crestani
La Aggadat Mašiaḥ: traduzione e commento di un testo escatologico medievale ebraico
Gregor Geiger
Genizat Germania: Ein Blatt einer Talmudhandschrift (Traktat Sukka)
aus der Bibliothek des Studium Biblicum Franciscanums, Jerusalem
Jürgen K. Zangenberg - Anna Lena - Carmelo Pappalardo
A ‘New’ Decorated Basalt Stone Block from the Franciscan Excavations
at Magdala (Galilee)
Shua Amorai-Stark - Malka Hershkovitz - Yotam Asscher - Yotam Tepper
A Magical Ring from the Environs of Legio and Kefar-‘Othnay, Israel
Walid Atrash - Rivka Elitzur-Leiman - Gabriel Mazor - Débora Sandhaus - Tamar Winter
Nysa-Scythopolis: An Enigmatic Tunnels Complex
Asher Ovadiah - Sonia Mucznik
Ares, Athena, Herakles and Nike in the Decapolis
Michal Piasetzky-David - Moshe Fischer - Itamar Taxel - Ruth E. Jackson-Tal - Oren Tal (With appendixes by Iness Efraimov and Hila May - Irit Ziffer - Paweł Gołyźniak)
Roman and Byzantine Burials at Yavneh-Yam: New Insights into the Site’s Settlement History
Salome Dan-Goor - Yana Tchekhanovets
A Metal Figurine of Fortuna-Isis from the City of David
Tamar Winter
The City of Be‘er Sheva in the Late Byzantine and Early Islamic Periods in the Light of Newly-Published Excavated Glass Finds
Varda Sussman
Note on ‘Saucer’-, ‘Beehive’-, or ‘Dome’-shaped Lamps (Second Part of Islamic Period, 9th-15th Centuries CE)