Liber Annuus 73 (2023)

Scheda nel sito di Terra Santa Edizioni

Singoli articoli in BrepolsOnline (presto disponibili)


David Volgger
Das Volk Israel und der Beginn seiner Gesellschaftsordnung: Ex 1–18 (pp. 9-52)

Domenico Lo Sardo
Textual Development of the Bronze Basin (Exod 38:8) among the Textual Witnesses (pp. 53-74)

Guido Benzi
«La gloria di Yhwh risplende su di te» (Is 60,1). Is 56,9–64,11 nel libro di Isaia e centralità di Is 60,1-22 (pp. 75-94)

Vincenzo Lopasso
The Eschatological Jerusalem in Zechariah 14 (pp. 95-103)

Marc Grenier
Planting Salvation and Raining Resurrection in Ancient Judaism (pp. 105-125)

Matteo Munari
Gerusalemme in Mt. La città del gran re (pp. 127-145)

Piotr Blajer
The Palestinian Geography of Luke in its Context (pp. 147-179)

Elisa Chiorrini
Questa generazione non durerà... παρέρχομαι in Mc 13,30 / Mt 24,34 / Lc 21,32 (pp. 181-216)

Marco Maria Baldacci - Alessandro Cavicchia
καὶ ὁ λόγος σὰρξ ἐγένετο... Riscontri profetici a partire da Gv 1,14a (pp. 217-244)

Eric John Wyckoff
Jesus, Foreign Women, and the Expanding Mission in the Synoptics and John (pp. 245-264)

Leonardo Giuliano
Il participio nella peroratio di Col 4,2-6: valore sintattico e funzione retorica (pp. 265-281)

Paolo Messina
«If I may»: ‫בבעו‬ in the corpus of Targum Neofiti (pp. 283-310)

Gregor Geiger
Genisat Germania: Sefer Mizwot gadol, Sefer Avi ha-ʿEzri und weitere hebräische Fragmente in Bucheinbänden aus bayerischen Franziskanerklöstern (pp. 311-326)

Maurizio Girolami
Il testo greco ed ebraico della Scrittura giudaica negli scritti cristiani del II e III secolo d.C. (pp. 327-363)

Leah Di Segni - Jacob Ashkenazi - Mordechai Aviam - R. Steven Notley
The Greek Inscriptions from ‘The Church of St. Peter’ at Bethsaida (el-‘Araj) (pp. 365-384)

Francesca Romana Stasolla et alii
Archaeological excavations in the Holy Sepulchre, Jerusalem: 2023 preliminary report (pp. 385-418)

Svetlana Tarkhanova
Early Byzantine Two-zoned ‘Bowl’ Capitals in Churches and Monasteries of the Holy Land as Local Artistic Phenomenon (pp. 419-476)

Yinon Shivtiel
Galilee during the Bar Kokhba Revolt: Ancient Testimonies and Modern Evidence Based on the Hiding Complexes (pp. 477-513)

Shimon Dar
Archaeological Evidence for Samaritan Expansion after the Bar-Kokhba Revolt (132-136 CE) (pp. 515-531)

Maura Sala
Qumran Caves in Context: Lamps Q43 and Q44 from Cave 1Q as a Case Study (pp. 533-557)

Győző Vörös
The Peristyle Courtyard of Alexandrium/Sartaba in the Light of the Herodian Royal Palace in Machaerus: A Comparative Architectural and Archaeological Analysis, 40 Years After the Excavations and Surveys in 1981 and 1983 (pp. 559-575)

Ádám Bollók - Ayelet Dayan
Lamps and Lighting Devices in Late Antique Funerary Liturgies of the Levantine Provinces of the Later Roman Empire (pp. 577-626)

Sintesi degli articoli (Abstracts)


SBF: Anno accademico 2022 - 2023

Indici Liber Annuus 1991 - 2022