On Thursday November 10th 2022 in St. Francis Hall at St. Saviour’s Monastery Prof. Michele Bacci held the conference:
Segni grafici e figurativi della dedicazione di sé.
I graffiti e i dipinti sulle colonne della Basilica di Betlemme attraverso l’opera di padre Imre Vince (Emérico Vicente) Juhász, della Provincia OFM di S. Maria in Ungheria.
Michele Bacci is professor of Medieval Art at the University of Fribourg (Switzerland) and member of the International Consortium for the restoration of the Basilica of the Nativity in Bethlehem.
On this occasion, the book E.V. Juhasz, Pinturas y grafitos. Basílica de la Natividad en Belén. Introducción y edición a cargo de Michele Bacci (SBF. Collectio Maior 58), Edizioni Terra Santa, Milano 2021, was presented.
This publication constitutes the edition of detailed studies resulting from the research made in Bethlehem by the Hungarian friar Imre (Emerico Vicente) Juhasz, missionary of the Custody of the Holy Land. He spent much time inspecting the columns of the Basilica of the Nativity, making accurate drawings of all the images of saints and incised graffiti or marks made by pilgrims on the surface of the columns during the period between the 14th and the 19th centuries.