Suriano, Treatise on the Holy Land (Collectio Maior 8)

Francesco Suriano, Treatise on the Holy Land. Translated from Italian by T. Bellorini and E. Hoade with a Preface and notes by B. Bagatti (Collectio Maior 7), Jerusalem 1949 (rist. 1983)


Treatise on the Holy Land
Sanctity of the Holy Land
From Venice to Jerusalem
The Christian Religious who live in the Holy Sepulchre
The journey to Prester John in 1480
Bethlehem, Bethany
Jordan, Ein Kârim, Hebron
Galilee, Lebanon, Syria
Egypt and Sinai
The Moslems
Climate, waters, plants, animals of the Holy Land
Cyprus, Rhodes, Crete
Corfu, Ragusa, Zara