Bottini - Di Segni - Chrupcała, One Land - Many Cultures (Collectio Maior 41)

Bottini - Di Segni - Chrupcała, One Land - Many Cultures

Giovanni Claudio Bottini - Leah Di Segni - Lesław Daniel Chrupcała (ed.), One Land - Many Cultures. Archaeological Studies in Honour of Stanislao Loffreda ofm (Collectio Maior 41), Jerusalem 2003


G. C. Bottini, Bibliography of Stanislao Loffreda

D. Adan-Bayewitz, On the Chronology of the Common Pottery of Northern Roman Judaea/Palestine
E. A. Arslan, Dall’Italia a Magdala in Terra Santa. Un pellegrino del V secolo e le sue monete
M. Aviam, Recent Excavations and Surveys of Churches and Monasteries in Western Galilee
C. Dauphin - S. Kingsley, Ceramic Evidence for the Rise and Fall of a Late Typeset Ecclesiastical Estate at Shelomi in Phoenicia Maritima
D. Syon, A Church from the Early Islamic Period at Hirbet el-Shubeika
V. Tzaferis, The Greek Inscriptions from the Church at Hirbet el-Shubeika
H. Taha, A Byzantine Tomb at Atara
S. Batz, A Second Temple Period Cemetery at Horvat Beit Sila
Y. Magen - M. M. Dadon, Nebi Samwil (Montjoie)
D. Amit - J. Seligman - I. Zilberbod, The Monastery of Theodorus and Cyriacus on the Eastern Slope of Mount Scopus, Jerusalem
L. Di Segni, A Greek Inscription in the Monastery of Theodorus and Cyriacus on Mount Scopus
G. Avni - J. Seligman, New Excavations at the Church of the Holy Sepulchre Compound
J. Magness, A Mithraeum in Jerusalem?
R. Avner Levy, The Recovery of the Kathisma Church and Its Influence on Octagonal Buildings
L. Di Segni, A Greek Inscription in the Kathisma Church
Y. Hirschfeld, The laura of Heptastomos
Y. Peleg, Second Temple Period Burial Caves in Khirbet 'Alya
G. D. Stiebel, The militaria from Herodium
Y. Magen, Mamre. A Cultic Site from the Reign of Herod
A. de Vincenz, A Unique Animal Lamp from  En-Gedi
A. Kloner - B. Zissu, Hiding Complexes in the Northern Judaean Shephelah and the Northern Boundary of the Bar Kokhba Administration
E. Shenhav, Horvat Hanot. A Byzantine Tradition of Goliath’s Burial Place
L. Di Segni, A Greek Inscription in the Church at Horvat Hanot
E. Netzer, The Synagogues from the Second Temple Period According to Archaeological Finds and in Light of the Literary Sources
S. Gibson, Stone Vessels of the Early Roman Period from Jerusalem and Palestine. A Reassessment
M. Piccirillo - Z. Qudah, L’eremitaggio nel Wadi Rajib sulla montagna di Ajlun in Giordania
É. Puech, L’inscription christo-palestinienne du Ouadi Rajib-Ajloun et de nouvelles inscriptions christo-palestiniennes de Jordanie
D. Genequand, Un hypogée hérodien à Macheronte (Jabal al-Mishnaqa, Jordanie)
Z. T. Fiema, The Byzantine Monastic / Pilgrimage Center of St. Aaron near Petra, Jordan
P. Castellana, Vasche battesimali nella Siria del Nord
I. Peña, Batrash, pueblo cristiano de la epoca bizantina en Siria
B. Callegher, Sigillo di Leone Pereno, magister et dux di tutto l’Occidente