Michele Piccirillo - Eugenio Alliata, Mount Nebo. New Archaeological Excavations 1967-1997 (Collectio Maior 27), II. Plates, Jerusalem 1998
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Mount Nebo was the very place where Moses saw the Promised Land before dying after 40 years of wandering in the desert. Its memory was preserved up to early Christian times, so that Egeria, a Spanish pilgrim, could still describe it precisely in the 4th century. After that, through the dark period of the Middle Ages up almost to modern times its location faded away together with the ruins of the Sanctuary of Moses and the surrounding churches. Only in the middle of 19th century was Mount Nebo identified again, and soon the ruins of its magnificent monuments appeared in all their splendor.
This books brings to us the lively memory of its mosaics and sculptures, but also reminds us in the middle of a region still so torn apart by nature and sorrow that, at the end of any pilgrimage in the desert, there is a vision of peace and prosperity that all of us wish to the people of the region.